
Here are a few cards that I have made for some my friends and family. One my favorite activities to do in my spare time is to make cards or sjut doodles for my close buddies. It is always a pleasure when I give a card to someone, its rewarding and I love their reaction,  I personally can not really explain it. The little time taken out of the day for a friend to make you something, I think is just a splendid feeling. (especially recieveing cards or notes, so fun!) If you ever need help with Christmas or festive cards, or would like to purchase an order, haha just kidding, get in contact with me by email. Enjoy.

Most of the mediums used for the "oh" so vibrant colors and such were just used with the basic crayola watercolor set you can purchase at any nerby art store for like 3 bucks. Plus the majority or basically all of the cards are used witha very thin fine permenant marker, with a very small pigment, sharpies are snazzy too man.Then there were a couple used with crayons and the fancy Prismacolor colored pencils.